Friday, January 27, 2012

Ian Sands at the Block Gallery

Opening Thursday, February 2, 5-7 p.m. at Block Gallery (222 West Hargett St.), Wild Life presents a vibrant and evolving look at our world, engaging viewers through interactive elements, anthropomorphic animals, humor and the science of the natural world.

Block Gallery features paintings by Keith Norval, mixed media works by Ian Sands and glass work by Teddy Devereux. Airing at Block2 (133 Fayetteville St.) is Sermon to the Birds by Jeff Whetstone, reflecting on the original purpose of St. Francis' sermon - which sparked a new consideration of the natural world in both religious and secular realms - and the meaning that these words hold for current society.

Opening night at Block Gallery will feature a preview of Whetstone's Sermon to the Birds and music by Guillo Carias. The exhibition will be on display February 2-March 26.

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