Saturday, February 02, 2013

Critter Visits the Mona Lisa

Over the years, Critters have done there fair share of traveling. They've been as far north as Canada, as far south as the Caribbean,  as far west as California and as far east as Korea. These have all been very exciting places but I'm not sure I found any of theses places as exciting as the place I received today.

Critter visits the Mona Lisa! 

I guess in the art world this might be as big as it gets. After all, the Mona Lisa is to art what Ke$ha is to music! 

Lately, I've been really into the CrittaColor concept. I lik the interactivity and letting people help make he art, but i can't help feeling nostalgic about the old Critters after seeing this photo.

So here below are a few of the places "Old Critter" has been. if you'd like to follow any of the Critters, including the latest CrittaColor, check out Critters on Zonkey Street!

This little Critter traveld further than any other Critter. Here he is at he Biltmore Estates in NC.

Here he is again on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, CA.

In Seoul, South Korea.

Enjoying the weather on the sandy beaches of St. Johns.

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